Would you share with us your projected giving for the next year?

In order for us to help plan for next year's budget, we would like for all members and regular attenders of Ruggles to let us know your projected giving to our church family for the next year.

We encourage you to review our Biblical Giving Principles (click here) and take some time to pray about your giving. Money is a spiritual issue, as Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:21). Once you have done this, fill out the short form below to let us know your hoped-for giving amount for the next year. After you submit your pledge, you may set up a recurring gift below.

Thank you!

*The financial information you share with us is confidential, between you and the Lord. Only Sarah Welch, our Administration Deaconess, will have access to individual projected giving amounts. If you have any questions, email office@rugglesbaptist.org.

Set up a Recurring Gift Today

You can easily set up a recurring gift via your bank account, debit card, or credit card.