Rest Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself (Psalm 127:1-2)

Do you take a day off from working? Is your day off filled with chores and errands? How are you sleeping? As we continue our series on battling Crazy Busyness, this Sunday we're going to examine why rest is so crucial for each of us, and how God has designed us to rest as a fundamental act of trust in him.

Mission Drift (Mark 1:32-39)

Last week, we saw that busyness is serious business. Busyness is dangerous because it can choke out the power of the gospel in our hearts. So how do we avoid being Crazy Busy? We're going to examine how, in the midst of a crazy busy day, Jesus stayed on the mission that God gave him. And we'll see how we can battle crazy busyness and keep on God's mission for our own lives.

Serious Busyness (Mark 4:1-20)

Is it hard to remember the last time you had five minutes to just sit and reflect?
At the end of the day, are you exhausted, but still wish you could have accomplished more?
Why are our lives always so Crazy Busy? In this sermon, we're going to explore the cause of this busyness and argue that busyness isn't just an's dangerous!

John the Baptist's Song: Prepare Your Way for the Lord (Luke 3:1-18)

How would you like to grow this year? In this final Advent Song, John the Baptist exhorts "all people" to "prepare the way for the Lord." As we reflect on 2016 and look ahead to 2017, this is a fitting time for us to heed John the Baptist's call to evaluate our current way of life and strive to make greater room for Christ.


The Christ Song: Descended Then Exalted to the Highest Place (Philippians 2:6-11)

At Bethlehem God became human. It’s an enormous descent when God the Son leaves the Godhead (Trinity) and is birthed as a baby in Bethlehem. A huge descent! But once his mission is accomplished, he is exalted to the highest place, returning to the Godhead as Jesus Christ our Lord and God. You are invited to come and experience this enormous plunge Jesus endured for us from highest high to the lowest low and back again so that we might live in a relationship with God forever.

Simeon's Song: Now I Can Die in Peace (Luke 2:29-32)

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Simeon received the unique promise from God that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah with his own eyes. This song is his response to the fulfillment of that promise: the moment when he held the baby Jesus in his arms. One of the lyrics of his song is, to paraphrase, "Now I can die in peace." What would it be like to be to able to face death with that kind of contentment? The Bible tells us that if we are in Christ, we too can not only die in peace, but we can live in peace too!

Mary's Song: Moving from Anxiety to Adoration (Luke 1:39-56)

We're looking at Mary’s Song (Luke 1:39-56), often called "The Magnificat" from the first line, "My soul magnifies the Lord." Mary is a troubled teenager who finds herself in an anxious yet glorious situation. Troubled because she is pregnant and unmarried, yet she knows she’s a virgin.
But when God speaks to her, affirming his plan for her, she moves quickly from anxiety to adoration. It’s remarkable what a spoken word from God will do to the countenance of your soul. A word from God to you could move your soul from anxiety to adoration in an instant. Come…let’s talk about it.

Something New (John 19:38-20:23)

Our series on the Gospel of John, "Life-Changing Encounters With Jesus," is almost over. Throughout his gospel. John gives us seven "signs" -- miracles performed by Jesus -- that point to the fact that He is the Messiah, the Son of God. But there's also an 8th sign, and it's the most significant and amazing of them all: the resurrection of Jesus.

Because Jesus was raised from the dead, this really is "life-changing" for all of us who believe in Him. Specifically, we receive 3 things: a new body, a new family, and new power.  

The Answer to Every Question (John 11)

In John 20:31, John tells us the reason why he wrote this Gospel: "...that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name." What does it mean to have life in Jesus' name? The aim of our fall sermon series is to try to answer that question.

Today we look at the dramatic, moving story of Jesus bringing His dead friend, Lazarus, back to life. How will this story change our view of Jesus? Will we let Him into our hearts, and allow Him to change us?

We welcome Dr. Mark Jennings, Professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Head of School and South Shore Christian Academy in Weymouth, MA. May the Lord speak clearly to us through Dr. Jennings' words. 

Kissing Waves (John 6:14-25)

Our fall sermon series, "Life-Changing Encounters With Jesus," is a study of the Gospel of John. We are told explicitly by John why he wrote this book: ..."that you may believe, and by believing, that you may have life in His (Jesus') name" (John 20:31). This week we look at the miracle of Jesus walking on water. What two things do we learn about Jesus from this event, and more importantly, how will it change our lives?

Jesus Catering Serves Up Faith (John 6:1-15, 25-29)

This week’s “Life-Changing Encounter with Jesus” is Jesus feeding thousands from a boy’s lunch. The hope from this encounter is that everyone would recognize him as the Messiah, the Son of God. However the Scripture indicates that they run after him because he provided food when they were hungry. That was quite a trick; let’s see it again! They didn’t get it that he is Lord and God. Careful that you are not using the Lord as your Celestial Caterer or Servant in order to get what you want, instead of serving the living God who wants to be the Lord and Master of your life.

A Deeper Healing (John 5:1-30)

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This is the fourth installment of our series on the Gospel of John entitled "Life-Changing Encounters With Jesus." It tells of the third "sign" that John writes about in his gospel in order to demonstrate that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God. An encounter with Jesus changed the life of a paralyzed man; could it change ours as well?

Challenging Jesus (John 4:43-54)

This Sunday we have the privilege of welcoming Dr. Sean McDonough, Professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to our worship service.  The Scripture passage is John 4:43-54, the story of the healing of the official's son. This represents the second sign of the deity of Christ from the Gospel of John. There's an interesting twist to this story that you won't want to miss!

A Wedding Gift (John 2:1-11)

This is the story of the first recorded miracle of Jesus: the changing of water to wine. It is also the first of many "signs" that John records in order to show us that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. We'll look at two aspects of this event: 1) What was the gift that Jesus brought to the wedding at Cana? 2) What was the cost of that gift?

Finding this Life-Changing Relationship with Jesus (John 20:30-31)

The new fall series is called “Life-Changing Encounters with Jesus.” Our plan is to bring together the purpose of John’s Gospel with our new mission statement. Both emphasize our life-altering relationship with Jesus and inviting others to join us on this journey.