"A Tale of Two Adams" (Romans 5:12-21)

Do you ever get discouraged by the way of the world? There is so much immorality and despair and, of course, death. Why is it so...bad? As we continue in the second section of Romans (ch. 5-8) about the results of the gospel, we'll see the source of the world's brokenness and how we can find encouragement and, even hope, in the midst of it.

"The Joyful Blessings of the Gospel" (Romans 5:1-11)

What brings you the most joy? This Sunday we dive back into our sermon series in Romans. The first part of the letter (ch. 1-4) was all about the content of the gospel: our need and how faith in Jesus' work on the cross saves us. This second section (ch. 5-8) focuses on the results of the gospel--the peace, hope, freedom, and life we receive in Christ. This week's passage will show us why Christians should have overflowing and enduring joy in God!

"Receiving and Giving Forgiveness" (Matthew 6:12)

As we continue to learn how to pray from Jesus, we see that confession is an essential part of prayer. Yet it appears our receiving forgiveness is conditional based on if we give forgiveness to others. We'll consider how we both give and receive forgiveness as we continue to grow together in prayer together.

"The First Priority in Prayer" (Matthew 6:9-10)

What do you pray about most? Most of us would probably say ourselves and our loved ones. But what does Jesus say should be our first priority in prayer? We'll consider the first three petitions of the Lord's Prayer this Sunday as we continue to grow together in prayer together.

"Our Father in Heaven" (Matthew 6:9)

According to Jesus, the most important part of prayer is not when or how much you pray, but that you know who you're praying to! What is the significance of praying to God as "Our Father"? As we start off 2025 hoping to grow together in prayer, we'll consider the crucial importance of coming to God as Father.

"How Not to Pray" (Matthew 6:5-8)

How is your prayer life? Most of us would admit that’s it’s not where we want it to be. We’re busy. We get distracted. We struggle! Let’s make 2025 a year where we grow together in seeking the Lord in prayer. That’s our prayer for the next few weeks as we consider Jesus’ teaching in the Lord’s Prayer.

"The Promised Son: Jesus Is the Son of Man" (Daniel 7:13-14)

We're headed toward a New Year with much uncertainty: from wars abroad and a new president in the U.S. to our personal questions about our direction, health, and relationships. This Sunday, we conclude our Advent sermon series on messianic prophecies about Jesus. We'll see that in the midst of the shaky ground of this world, we can grasp hopelessly for a semblance of control ourselves, or we can turn to the One whose kingdom cannot be shaken, the Son of Man.

"The Promised Sacrifice: Jesus Is the Spotless Lamb" (Exodus 12:1-13)

Why is Jesus called the "lamb"? This Sunday, we'll look back at the origins of this prophetic image to give us a deeper understanding of the gospel--that salvation comes not in our own effort but through His blood applied to our hearts in faith. The Son's Christmas coming always had an Easter purpose.

"The Promised Word: Jesus Is the Faithful Prophet" (Deuteronomy 18:15-22)

Is there a God? What is he like? How can we know him? How should we obey him? There are many people who say that they are speaking God's words or God's will. And yet often they contradict one another! So how do we know who is right? Our Advent sermon series is looking at the Old Testament promises (and images) of Jesus' coming. We've seen how Jesus is the serpent-crushing Savior and the righteous Ruler from David's line. This week we'll consider Jesus as the One who speaks--and indeed, even embodies--the Word of God to us.

"The Promised King: Jesus Is the Righteous Branch" (Jeremiah 23:1-8)

Authority is so easily abused. Everyone from bosses to politicians to even pastors let us down. Is there any hope for a truly just ruler? Our Advent sermon series is looking at the Old Testament promises (and images) of Jesus' coming. Last week we saw that Jesus is the seed of the woman who crushes the serpent and wins our salvation. This week, we'll consider how Jesus fulfills the promise of a righteous King on David's throne.

"The Promised Savior: Jesus Is the Seed of the Woman" (Genesis 3:14-15)

"Advent" means a coming or arrival. It's the season where we remember Jesus' first coming and look forward to his coming again. We'll take a break from our Romans sermon series to consider the Old Testament promises (and images) of Jesus' coming. This week, we begin, well, at the very beginning.

"Unveiling the Darkness" (John 9)

Have you thought of spiritual darkness? How fixated are you on rationalizing your suffering and clinging to traditions and preconceived notions? Are they hindering you from seeing the light - Jesus? Though we may see, we may be spiritually blind! Come as we delve into this transformative story in John 9, where physical blindness leads to spiritual sight!

"Let the Nations Be Glad" (Psalm 67)

It’s Missions Sunday! Scripture makes clear that we should work for the advance the gospel for the salvation of all nations. Yet it’s easy to fall into apathy or distraction and neglect this call. So what should motivate our missions? And how can we take part in God’s salvation of the world through Christ? We’ll take a break from our Romans series this Sunday to consider the mission of God through his church for the whole world.

"Sola Fide" (Romans 4:1-16)

Exactly 507 years ago this week, German monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of his local church in Wittenberg, Germany. This began what became known as the Protestant Reformation - and it is how, in God's Providence, we are worshiping Christ in 2024 at Ruggles. Central to the Protestant Reformation was recovering the biblical teaching from our passage this Sunday - that we are justified, or made righteous, before God not by our works, but by faith alone. We'll see this Sunday what revolutionized and reformed the Church, and why "sola fide" is such glorious good news for us today!

"More Than Forgiveness" (Romans 3:21-31)

This Sunday's passage is a detailed x-ray of how God saves us in the gospel. Significantly, we'll see that God's gift to us in the gospel is much more than forgiveness! Here the Apostle Paul paints a picture of our salvation with words like "righteousness," "grace," "justification," "law," "redemption," and "propitiation." Finally, we'll see why continuing to believe and boast only in the gospel is a crucial antidote to our pride, our anxiety, and our relationships with others.

"Guilty As Charged" (Romans 3:1-20)

So how bad is it really? This Sunday we come to the Apostle Paul's climactic conclusion about the depth and breadth of humanity's sin and rebellion against God. The truth is, all are sinners deserving the death penalty. We are guilty as charged by God, the only just judge. We'll see not only how bad it is but also the benefit to reading this sweeping judgment against us. 

"A Matter of the Heart" (Romans 2:17-29)

How do you know that you're a Christian? This is a simple but relevant question, because Scripture is clear that it's possible (even common) for people to be deceived about their relationship with God--particulaly "religious" people with a background in church. And this is who the Apostle Paul addresses in our passage this Sunday. We'll see the reality of false assurance and the defining factor of true salvatoin in Christ. It's a matter of the heart.