"The First Priority in Prayer" (Matthew 6:9-10)

What do you pray about most? Most of us would probably say ourselves and our loved ones. But what does Jesus say should be our first priority in prayer? We'll consider the first three petitions of the Lord's Prayer this Sunday as we continue to grow together in prayer together.

"Our Father in Heaven" (Matthew 6:9)

According to Jesus, the most important part of prayer is not when or how much you pray, but that you know who you're praying to! What is the significance of praying to God as "Our Father"? As we start off 2025 hoping to grow together in prayer, we'll consider the crucial importance of coming to God as Father.

"How Not to Pray" (Matthew 6:5-8)

How is your prayer life? Most of us would admit that’s it’s not where we want it to be. We’re busy. We get distracted. We struggle! Let’s make 2025 a year where we grow together in seeking the Lord in prayer. That’s our prayer for the next few weeks as we consider Jesus’ teaching in the Lord’s Prayer.