The Church: A Life-Saving Community (James 5:19-20)


This weekend is Vision Sunday, when we mark 149 years of faithful gospel ministry as Ruggles Baptist Church. It is fitting that on this day we come to the conclusion of James' letter, where he paints a beautiful picture of God's supernatural, life-saving power working through the church. In these two little verses we see God's heart expressed through the loving, pursuing, and saving activity of God's people for one another. We'll see how the Lord works through his people to save, and how we can all get in on this.

Praying Like You Mean It (James 5:13-18)


When you do pray, do you really expect an answer? In our passage on Sunday, James shows us how to pray with confidence--no matter how seemingly minor the matter, or how difficult the dilemma, or how convoluted the context and conditions. We'll see that practical faith is prayerful faith.

Be Patient (James 5:7-12)


Are you a patient person? In our passage this Sunday, James urges us over and over again (three times!) to be patient. But if you're anything like me, this is easier said than done--especially in the midst of challenging circumstances. Fortunately, James gives us both the secret of Christian patience and examples of Christian patience to follow. This week we'll strive to grow in patience, since "we count as blessed those who have persevered" (v. 11).

To the Wicked Wealthy (James 5:1-6)


In this week's passage, James encourages the churches by writing a harsh condemnation of their wealthy oppressors. Yet in his blunt judgment of non-Christians there is a warning for Christians then and now. Because how we steward our wealth reveals our spiritual health. Do we see ourselves in his description of the wicked wealthy? How should our faith change our view of our money?

Living Like God Doesn't Exist (James 4:13-17)


In our passage this Sunday, James says it's possible to be a Christian atheist--to claim belief in Christ but to live like God doesn't exist. We make plans and decisions about our relationships, study, and work without acknowledging the Lord. This is isn't just unwise, James says. It is sinful! We'll see this week why this is so serious and how we can remember the Lord in our words, plans, and lives.

When the Church Acts Like the World (James 4:1-12)


The local church is supposed to be a caring community that reflects the love of Christ. Yet sometimes this dream is far from the reality, even in our own church. Why is strife and fighting so common among believers--and what can we do about it? That's what our passage is about this week as we continue to strive to put our faith into action.

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Humble Ambition (James 3:13-18)


How do you spot a wise person? Is it someone with lots of education, or success in their field? Maybe they just have to be older than you? In this week's passage, James defines wisdom in a way that perhaps we hadn't thought about it before: he tells us there needs to be evidence of our wisdom in the life that we live.

Our Hazardous and Mighty Words (James 3:1-12)


This week we have a special guest preaching the word to us. Ronald Wagogo is a member and deacon at Tremont Temple Baptist Church. He was born in Uganda and raised in New York City. Ron currently works as a computer engineer and has preached and taught Bible studies for many years. He will continue our sermon series on James this Sunday on the power of the tongue.

Your Faith: Dead or Alive? (James 2:14-26)


As we've seen over the last few weeks, the book of James challenges us to honestly examine our lives and our faith. This week's passage is no different. We may claim to have faith in Jesus Christ, but if that faith is not accompanied by good works motivated by Christ's love, then according to James, our faith is "useless" or "dead." This Sunday we'll look at the difference between faith that is dead and faith that is alive.

The Poison of Prejudice (James 2:1-13)

When someone walks through the door, it's human nature for us to size them up, to make assumptions. Are they rich or poor? Attractive or unattractive? Educated or uneducated? These assumptions lead to judgments and judgments lead to actions. In this week's text, James is warning us about this seriously sinful tendency we all have to show favoritism. In fact, he says, it contradicts the very gospel we claim to believe.

Tested Faith (James 1:1-8)


We begin our summer sermon series this week in the book of James. Instead of complex theological discourse, this letter is full of practical wisdom--nearly every other verse is a command. So what is James' purpose? To show us that true faith in Christ works itself out practically in every area of our lives. James dives right into his letter from the start, addressing faith that works in trials.

Lifesaver (James 5:19-20)

We admire and honor first responders who save lives for good reason, but James 5:19-20 shows us that we are all called to be lifesavers. Today is all about how the church - Christian community! - is vital to each of our personal salvation and relationship with the Lord.