"Authority Redeemed" (Psalm 72)

God's original design for authority is good, but it's so often abused. So how do we exercise our authority justly in the midst of a fallen world where so many are oppressed? This great royal Psalm from David and Solomon will give us practical instruction, and real hope!

This series is based loosely on the book, Authority by Jonathan Leeman.

"Abiding and Flourishing" (Psalm 1)

This Sunday, we have the joy to hear God's word preached by Pastor Mike Brooks, Associate Pastor of Hope Fellowship Church in Cambridge. Mike and his wife, Paige, are from Georgia and moved to the Boston area from Kansas City in the Spring of 2022. They love all things New England and Boston, and are involved as foster parents and fostering advocates here in Boston.

God is Our Fortress (Psalm 46)

We have the privilege to welcome Pastor Shawn Woo, Lead Pastor of Trinity Church Cambridge, to preach from Psalm 46. How fitting that in a time when COVID-19 continues to impact our lives and a storm descends upon our region, the Lord would offer us this famous Psalmthat describes our God as our mighty fortress in times of trouble.

You are Mortal: Death and Identity (Psalm 90)


We'll begin the New Year with a short sermon series on the subject of death. This isn't your typical optimistic New Year's theme, but the truth is, the reality of death gives us perspective on life. And God's word has a ton to say about this! My hope for you is that we will enter this new year prepared to die and, therefore, prepared to live.