"The Secret to Success" (Genesis 39:1-23)

This Sunday, God's word takes us back into the story of Joseph. We'll consider the secret of success for the one following the Lord. What causes us to succeed? And what does success look like in our lives as we walk with the Lord?

*Source: Pastor Kevin DeYoung’s sermon on Genesis 39 at Christ Covenant Church

"From Shame to Salvation" (Genesis 38:1-30)

In this Sunday's passage the story of Joseph seems to be bizarrely interrupted by the sordid tale of Judah, Jacob's fourth son. It contains sexual immorality, deception, and injustice. Why is this account in the Bible? Ultimately it's a story of glorious hope for those caught up in shameful sin.

"When Dreams Become Nightmares" (Genesis 37:1-36)

"God has a wonderful plan for your life." Has someone ever told you that? Is it true? I guess it depends on how you define "wonderful." What happens when God's plan for us doesn't seem very wonderful? We'll consider these questions as we begin the account of Joseph's life this Sunday.

*Source: Pastor Kevin DeYoung’s sermon on Genesis 37 at Christ Covenant Church

"Authority Applied: Government" (Romans 13:1-7)

This Sunday is Palm Sunday! On the day when we celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem as King, it's worth considering...what are kings for anyway? Or, what is government for? We'll consider what kind of authority that God gives to governments and what our role should be in politics as Christ's church.

This series is based loosely on the book, Authority by Jonathan Leeman.

Does My Life Matter? Death and Purpose (Ecclesiastes 1:12-14)


We're diving back into our sermon series on the subject of death. Two weeks ago, we explored death and our identity from Psalm 90--that death both humbles us and lifts us up. When we remember our death, we recognize our dependence on our Creator but also see our need for eternal life through our Savior. This week, we'll address the problem of futility. If we're going to die and be forgotten, do our lives really matter?

You are Mortal: Death and Identity (Psalm 90)


We'll begin the New Year with a short sermon series on the subject of death. This isn't your typical optimistic New Year's theme, but the truth is, the reality of death gives us perspective on life. And God's word has a ton to say about this! My hope for you is that we will enter this new year prepared to die and, therefore, prepared to live.

O Little Town of Bethlehem (Ruth 4:1-12)


As we continue in our study of the book of Ruth, we come now to the moment Naomi and Ruth had been waiting for. Boaz will officially become Ruth's redeemer. In this account, the emphasis is placed on the cost that Boaz must bear in order to save Ruth--which, of course, reminds us of the great cost that Jesus' paid to redeem us. Indeed, Christ's wooden manger will lead to his wooden cross.

Tidings of Comfort and Joy (Ruth 2:1-23)


As we continue our Advent series in ancient Bethlehem and the book of Ruth, we come to some good news and hope that the two widows' dire circumstances may change. How did this come about? By unmerited grace. This chapter is both a comforting encouragement of God's grace for us, and a powerful call to be God's instrument of grace for others.

Sheep Among Wolves: Opposition to Kingdom Mission (Matthew 10:16-11:1)

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Two weeks ago we saw that Jesus calls, commissions, and empowers kingdom workers like us to share his good news. But this Sunday's passage is a reality check. On this mission, there will be significant and surprising opposition. Yet in the midst of this persecution, we'll see that Jesus offers us incredible comfort.

King Over Chaos (Matthew 8:23-34)

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2020 has been a chaotic year, but the truth is, this year has reminded us how little control we have over our lives. In Sunday's passage, we'll see Jesus' sovereignty over chaos over both nature and evil--and learn how we should respond not in fear but in faith and peace.

Margin for the Marginalized (Leviticus 19:9-10)

This week is our annual stewardship Sunday, the one week every year when we consider how the Lord calls us to steward our finances for his kingdom purposes. This is also the season when we invite you to plan out your giving to the church for the next year, which serves to grow each of us in generosity while also helping us plan our church budget for the coming year. On Sunday, we'll open up the book of Leviticus and see how God's call to holy living applies to our money.

Why Jesus Healed (Matthew 8:1-17)

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Jesus is known, even by his skeptics, as not only a great teacher but a miraculous healer as well. Yet what was the purpose of Jesus healing people as part of his ministry? And what can we learn from Jesus' healings in the first century as we endure a plague of disease in the 21st century? This Sunday, we move into a new section of the Gospel of Matthew as we transition from learning about Christ's kingdom to seeing it in action.

The Test of True Christianity, Part 3 (Matthew 7:21-29)


This week is Vision Sunday! It's the one Sunday per year when we acknowledge God's faithfulness in and through our church since our founding in 1870. And this year marks our 150th year of gospel ministry in Boston! We will celebrate our past and focus on our present and future mission to invite Boston and beyond into a life-changing relationship with Christ and his church. We'll open the final words of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and see Jesus' test of a true Christian.

The Test of True Christianity, Part 2 (Matthew 7:15-20)


Jesus concludes his Sermon on the Mount with a powerful invitation into his true kingdom in contrast to counterfeit Christianity. In Part 2 this week, we'll look at the importance and value of teachers--those who guide us along the path of discipleship. Jesus warns us about "false prophets" and gives us some advice for discerning whether a teacher is true or false.