The Hidden Glory of the Church (1 Timothy 3:14-16)

Who needs the church? Churches once held a prominent position in the U.S., but no longer. And even many Christians in our day wonder: “Can’t I can be a Christian without going to church?” Some of the disregard and disillusionment comes from the sins and division that is tolerated in many churches today. Yet even while writing to a very compromised church in Ephesus, Paul holds up the glory of God’s people gathered. Who needs the church? We do and our world does.

Church Membership: Meaningful Membership Matters (Matthew 16:13-19)

Does church membership really matter? Is it any different from being a member of a club or other organization? This morning, we're going to explore Christ's design for membership of his church from his famous, and controversial, statement to the Apostle Peter in Matthew 16 about the keys of the kingdom. Then we'll see why, if you're a Christian, you — yes you! — should join a church as a member.