A Different Kind of King (Matthew 3:13-17)

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What do you think God is like? In this week’s passage, we’re finally introduced to Jesus himself. We hear Jesus’ first words and see his first actions. What is the first thing he does? He insists on being baptized by John. But if baptism is only for sinners to repent, why does the sinless Son of God enter the waters? This simple, humble action shows us what kind of King Jesus is and how he will bring his heavenly kingdom to earth.

Are You Ready for the King? (Matthew 3:1-12)

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Whether it's a birthday party, a vacation, a dissertation defense, or a new baby, significant events in our life require preparation. In fact, the more significant the event, the greater the preparation needed. This week we jump back into the Gospel of Matthew. During Advent we covered the Introduction: The Promised King. Now we'll begin the body of the Gospel with Part 1: The Announcement of Christ's Kingdom. Now that Jesus the King has arrived, his new kingdom is proclaimed and the people are called to prepare for his rule. How do we make sure we're ready to receive him?