Margin for the Marginalized (Leviticus 19:9-10)

This week is our annual stewardship Sunday, the one week every year when we consider how the Lord calls us to steward our finances for his kingdom purposes. This is also the season when we invite you to plan out your giving to the church for the next year, which serves to grow each of us in generosity while also helping us plan our church budget for the coming year. On Sunday, we'll open up the book of Leviticus and see how God's call to holy living applies to our money.

Giving: A Principle and A Promise (Luke 12:13-34)

Have you ever wondered why we pass the offering plates at each Sunday service? Yes, every church needs to pay its bills. But the offering is for so much more than bill paying? Jesus' teaching in our passage this morning shows us that giving in the church is about much more than simply fundraising; it's about our hearts. In this teaching on money, Jesus offers us a timeless principle and a certain promise.